Well, I finally did it. I have added more than 10,000 people into my genealogy database. The current count is 10,207. I think it is funny how some days the people just get added so fast and then other days I don’t add any. We shall see what happens now.
For the keen eyed folks out there – there’s a new menu option on the main page of Saurette.com: Reports. For fun, I have created some pages that have my ancestors listed along with a PDF file of all of the person’s descendants that I have on file. I will most likely add a little more, but it was something that I thought added some neat perspective on things. When it says: great-great-grandfather, that means mine even though I am not in the database. I will run into trouble the further back I go since the number of great-grandfathers doubles every generation. I haven’t really decided what to do about that, if anything.