Summertime Fun

The yearly question is upon me, once again: whether to re-up with Ancestry or not. I go through this every year. You see, when the weather gets nice around the country, people spend much more time outdoors – understandably. During this time, I have very little research to conduct other than my own – which is fine. Once the weather turns cold and wintry, then I get more requests for help.

So, I guess I answered my own question and will renew with Ancestry again this year just so I can help those who need it when they need it this winter. It just feels wrong doing it in August when I’m not using their services much. Oh well, the price (and a steep one, thanks Ancestry) we pay.

On a side note, I had done some tinkering with the sidebar area of the site a few weeks ago in order to make it easier to navigate my Saurette and Oligny information. In doing so, I nuke the social bookmarks that were there. Today, I added Twitter and Facebook plugins that will appear on every post. Please take the time to retweet and recommend via FB. I’m always look for new traffic to!

Published by

Steve Rock

I have been doing French-Canadian genealogy for about 14 years. I enjoy doing research for other people who are new to genealogy and want to discover their French-Canadian lineages. Drop me a line at and let me give you a hand!

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