For a long time now, I have been putting off the inevitable – installing and using new genealogy software on my computer. I loved my really antiquated version of Family Tree Maker. The old version really helped me input data quickly. It was a no frills program, yet still powerful enough for what I needed it to do. Fast forward to today.
I have received many e-mails lately about genealogy. Most of them were not for doing research, but some were. I had no way of updating my own database on my computer unless I did something quick – so I ponied up the money for the new FTM software (digital download at least to save money). The new interface is hard to get used to – it is information overload. I persevered, however, and was able to update my database and then get those updates onto the site.
I’ve done some back-end work too, but nothing that should concern the genealogy stuff. I’m also contemplating a redesign of the site. Most of you land inside one of the databases and never even see the site, so it is more for myself than anything else. I’ve also taken down the guestbook as it was getting spammed a lot, despite the captcha and other stuff to prevent that sort of thing. Oh well – not like it was being overrun with comments!
Hi Steve,
You will like this post.
I found more distant relatives for you.
I have been doing French-Canadian genealogy for about 7 years. I enjoy doing research for other people who are new to genealogy and want to discover their French-Canadian lineages. Drop me a line and let me give you a hand!
Hi Steve, thank you very much for all your work. It is really appreciate. Just to inform you there is still some Oligny in St-Rémi (Qc) and St-Michel(Qc) but there is some in St-Mathieu (Qc) too. I always wanted to know where my family and with your website I know much more. Thank you again !!
Samuel O.
I’m glad you found the site and found the information useful!