Shall I Go On?

Way back when, when I started doing my genealogy, I relied a lot on the PRDH database.  It was THE site to go to for finding out 18th century and earlier information.

They keep sending me updates about new records being added all the time.  It seems, they have moved into the 19th century.

Here’s a snippet from the latest message I received today:

“More than a year ago, we announced the addition of the family reconstructions from 1800 to 1824 to the PRDH-IGD database.

Today, we are pleased to announce that the family reconstructions from 1825 to 1849 have been added to the PRDH-IGD website, which officially brings the 1800 – 1849 period to a close.

This massive update represents the addition of 787 675 individuals and 94 444families to the database. In total, we are talking about 8 500 000 new family links to explore in the PRDH-IGD database! To put this into perspective, the PRDH-IGD database contained a total of 870 763 individuals before this update. That number has now nearly doubled!”

That is a lot of new information to absorb.  I have a bunch of that already from other sources, but I find myself wondering if I should dive back in to fix and/or update what I have. I still have plenty of “hits” available in the PRDH database if I should choose to do that.

The other issue is my family genealogy software.  I *think* I still have FTM on my Windows computer, but I can’t remember.  It has been a few years since I have actually added any new information to my database.  To get back into genealogy, I’d have some leg work to get done first.

I am still happy with my barebones website and with using Webtrees to show my data.  Who knows, I might actually have new info soon.

Published by

Steve Rock

I have been doing French-Canadian genealogy for about 14 years. I enjoy doing research for other people who are new to genealogy and want to discover their French-Canadian lineages. Drop me a line at and let me give you a hand!

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