The Holyoke city clerk’s office had a really fast turn around time for this marriage certificate to get back to me. I believe it took a week total. Of course, sending a nice letter along with a self-addressed stamped envelope helps to expedite things a bit too.
The new piece of information I gleaned from this document was the fact that Marie-Anna was a mill operator – that was not known to me.
Clicking on the certificate will show you a larger version.
Thanks to the Eastman Genealogy Newsletter, I was informed about some new records that were available online as images. One area that was added was a series of Massachusetts marriages. While this next image is not the marriage certificate, it is from the ledger of marriages performed in Holyoke. And to top it off, their marriage was the first one at the top of a page, making it easy to crop out all the other stuff below it. Just like with the other record, clicking it will open up a new windows with a larger image.
This is the first marriage in the Oligny and Saurette lines that took place in the United States. All of the previous marriages were performed in Canada. I hope to have those certificates at some point too.