Steve’s Blog

Photographs Added

Today I took some digital photographs of some documents that I have in my possession – my great-grandfather’s death certificate and his Declaration of Intention for Naturalization. You can find these on the main site under Joseph. I have Almeric Saurette’s declaration as well, so I hope to have that up soon as his is the next biography I have to write.

Today, I received from my father some more official documents to add to my growing collection. He sent me his father’s baptismal certificate. This took place in Massachusetts, but the document is in French. It shed some more light on things, but didn’t really add any new information.

I also submitted my site to some genealogical sites on the web so that others can hopefully find their way to and take advantage of my information. I am having a really fun time getting things updated almost daily. I’m sure I’ll hit a dry spurt some time in the not-so-distant future. I guess when that happens, the Saurette pages will get written! Oh yeah!

Quick addenda – I updated the button bar to include the ‘Weblog’ portion to make it easy to get here. Since I’ve decided to keep the blog, I figured I better make it easier for people to access.

Good News

Well, I got an email back from the group in Canada that does research. The gentleman who wrote said that he is sure that they can get copies of the Oligny marriage certificates that I requested. That is very cool. If they are in good shape, I plan on digitizing them and putting them on the site as a link off of the individual person.

I got my 2 CDs that I ordered today for marriages in Laprairie county, but I haven’t had a chance to delve into them very much.

I printed out a lengthy report via Familytree Maker today so that I could look things over and see where there were information gaps. Turns out that the PRDH is very usefull for birth, death, and burial dates as well as marriages. So, I have started to fill in the dates where I can of people in my direct line, i.e. great-grandparents on up. I have a ways to go, but now I have a project to last for some time until I get my other information from various sources.

Looking for Certificates

I sent feelers out in a bunch of directions today in trying to get copies of actual marriage certificates for some ancestors. One place will do the legwork and photocopy stuff for $10 a pop. I gave them 4 marriages and now I will wait and see what happens with that.

I found a searchable online database for the largest cemetery in Quebec – happens to be in Montreal. I got some results for both Oligny and Saurette, but not for people that I can readily find in my data collections.

Quebec just doesn’t make it easy to send away for stuff over the internet. I need to take a few days and visit the area and get some “on the ground” eyes for pictures, etc. I’m anxious to visit St. Remi sometime.

Oh, I ordered 2 CDs of 1910 U.S. Census materials today also. One CD is just for MA and the other is called Canadians in the 1910 census – so that’ll be neat to look at. In addition, I ordered microfilm of the Canadian census of 1891 for a bunch of towns including St. Remi. Joseph Oligny was born in 1891, so I’m hoping to find his family in there before they came to the U.S.

Documents and such

I received some copies of documents today so that I can amass proof that I am, in fact, related to one of the King’s Daughters (I’m actually descended from 44 of them). I just sent away for some marriage certificate copies and once I have them I will set I think.

I added and Internet Traffic graphic on the main page. This graphic shows you the world traffic – the higher the number (0-100), the better the electrons are flowing.

If you haven’t yet, check out the site for The King’s Daughters at It is a very informative site.

I think I’ll get some more playin’ around done with the site today. It is getting later and the dog is needing attention. Happy hunting, everyone.