Surname Expansions

I bought a couple more CDs of parish marriage records – hoping to add some more information to my database. Tonight, I did some cleaning up in the database. Places that were marked as Ste-Marie were all changed to Marieville, Rouville County (one of the CDs I got). I was able to add some more Bessette individuals using this particular CD.

Almost 2 weeks ago, I added a ton of Desranleau people to the database. There was a shoestring connection with me and I was attempting to help someone out with their research, and I just figured, what the heck, let’s add ’em in. The more people I have, the easier it might be for somebody to find their surname and ancestry.

I have more work to do with the new CDs, but I have made a start. The other CD is for St-Hyacinthe county – that should be a big task.

Yet More CDs Are Here

I purchased several more marriage record CDs and have begun to dig thru them to find some of “my people.” I have found a bunch of Saurette people to enter. On a lot of the new CDs I have to also look under Larose. It usually says Saurette-Larose under the S section and Larose-Saurette under the L section. So it would seem that the later descendants used both names – seems like a personal preference to me.

So the next few days will see a flurry of activity on my end followed by more uploads to the site.

New CDs Have Arrived

When I received my new parish CDs yesterday, I wasn’t really sure if there would be much useful information on them as it pertained to my genealogy. Boy, was I wrong. There are A LOT of Olignys who got married in St-Jean county, Quebec. I have started putting them into my database, but I have yet to finish or upload them.

I am also doing some research for other people from these areas, so that is also taking up some of my time. I really enjoy digging into surnames and figuring out lineages for other people.

The new version of the genealogy software is still out there in limbo-land somewhere. I’m sure it will show up on my doorstep when I have totally forgotten about it. Well, I got some work ahead of me today so here goes…

Genealogy Workings

I have gotten some more genealogy completed recently. My latest burst of work was inspired by a couple of e-mails with regards to the Saurette surname. I have always known that there are some Saurette descendants who use the Larose/La Rose surname. It wasn’t always that way, however. To try and clear some things up, I wrote a new page about the name. Read my Dit Larose page to see what I am talking about.

I have been entering more data as well as helping some other people with their research. To that end, I have ordered two more parish CDs. One is for the county of St-Jean (excluding l’Acadie & St-Luc) and the other is for Missiqoui County. I hope to have them this coming week.

I also ordered the newest version of Family Tree Maker. Mine is fairly old, and I do like to upgrade every now and again to stay current. I don’t think there will be anything different on the web-end of things, just on my end at home.

Thank you to all who have contacted me recently with corrections, questions, information, etc. Genealogy is most definitely a team effort, and I wouldn’t have gotten to where I have without the help of a lot of other people out there. Keep the inquiries coming!