A Few Updates

I did a couple of minor updates to some reports on the site this AM. I received an e-mail today that corrected a couple dates that I had and also added a name here and there. The report in question is the descendant report of Jacques Saurette and his wife, Marguerite. For the casual reader, you won’t find any major changes, but this is the most up-to-date report that I have.

I also ran a new ancestral report from my grandfather on back – it seemed like it was time to update it. I don’t really know if there were any major changes, but I figured that since I was already exporting .pdf files that I might as well add this one too.

I still have not uploaded the new master database in a while, but I hope to do that before too long.

Please continue to e-mail me at srock@saurette.com if you see information that you would like added and/or modified. I appreciate all the contacts that I have made thus far.


Data Corrections and Additions

I just worked on some corrections today with the Robert surname. I had both Robert and Robert-Lafontaine in my data, but didn’t have them joined like I should have. I have moved most of the older Robert surnames to Lafontaine. If there are any issues with that, please let me know. I had to rerun some .pdf reports to show the changes, but those are up and looking okay.

The new version of Family Tree Maker has been useful in seeing where I needed to added parents to spouses. It has helped to flesh out the extended family. I shall continue to work on the data and clean it up where I see it needs it. Thanks to all those who have sent in information or who have needed help.

Genealogy Database II

I was browsing other open-source software packages that can display genealogy data on a website , and I came across Retrospect. This is a nice program. I have been using phpGedView from the start to display my data. To date, that program has taken over 80,000 hits. I have no intention of replacing phpGedView anytime soon. However, I am also going to use this new program in addition to phpGedView.

Retrospect has some nice, clean features that really makes it easy to find data fast and easily. You can pull up any person and with a couple mouse clicks, you can generate an ancestral or descendancy report – either to screen or to .pdf – a very nice feature to see some quick data.

Any time that I upload the new database, I will upload it to both programs so that they are both current. The links to individuals will still pull up phpGedView. I wanted to integrate Retrospect with minimal impact on the site. You can access Retrospect from any page at Saurette.com from the top menu.

If you’re reading this, and you want to go there right now, well then, by all means head over to the new database.

As usual, please contact me with any difficulties or additions.

Genealogy Redux

Well, my early bedtime was not to be tonight. That’s okay though, I’ve been working on genealogy today. I got a nice email from a Saurette relative that had some corrections and queries for me. I got some of my Saurette data cleaned up – especially multiple entries for the same people.

As a result of all the Saurette finagling (sp?), I had to redo all of my .pdf files for the narrative pages. It didn’t take too long to do that and it was long overdue since I do polish up the data from time to time. I think I uploaded the database three times today because of changes. Oh well, I try and keep the freshest stuff up there for people to look at and dissect. Keep the queries coming people! I can always take the help.