Oligny’s Assimilated

This morning I finally finished entering in all the Oligny marriages from St-Jean County CD. There were quite a few, but I pushed on thru to the end of the list. The easiest way to view the Oligny people in my genealogy is to view the descendant report of Jean Oligny. This report encapsulates all Olignys who are related to me someway or another. Anyone needing more information regarding the Oligny surname and their spouses may contact me via e-mail at srock@saurette.com.

I also did a few other minor updates to the Saurette side. I was able to find marriage information for one of Guillaume & Elmire’s daughters in Missiquoi County.

I will probably troll thru the St-Jean records more and put in some shoe-string people, but for now the bulk of data input is done.

New CDs Have Arrived

When I received my new parish CDs yesterday, I wasn’t really sure if there would be much useful information on them as it pertained to my genealogy. Boy, was I wrong. There are A LOT of Olignys who got married in St-Jean county, Quebec. I have started putting them into my database, but I have yet to finish or upload them.

I am also doing some research for other people from these areas, so that is also taking up some of my time. I really enjoy digging into surnames and figuring out lineages for other people.

The new version of the genealogy software is still out there in limbo-land somewhere. I’m sure it will show up on my doorstep when I have totally forgotten about it. Well, I got some work ahead of me today so here goes…

Genealogy Workings

I have gotten some more genealogy completed recently. My latest burst of work was inspired by a couple of e-mails with regards to the Saurette surname. I have always known that there are some Saurette descendants who use the Larose/La Rose surname. It wasn’t always that way, however. To try and clear some things up, I wrote a new page about the name. Read my Dit Larose page to see what I am talking about.

I have been entering more data as well as helping some other people with their research. To that end, I have ordered two more parish CDs. One is for the county of St-Jean (excluding l’Acadie & St-Luc) and the other is for Missiqoui County. I hope to have them this coming week.

I also ordered the newest version of Family Tree Maker. Mine is fairly old, and I do like to upgrade every now and again to stay current. I don’t think there will be anything different on the web-end of things, just on my end at home.

Thank you to all who have contacted me recently with corrections, questions, information, etc. Genealogy is most definitely a team effort, and I wouldn’t have gotten to where I have without the help of a lot of other people out there. Keep the inquiries coming!